Web application using Ruby On Rails – Aug 2022


Web application using Ruby On Rails – Aug 2022, Ruby on Rails with MySQL, CRUD operation in Ruby on Rails, Ajax integration, API creation in Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails is one of the most effective ways to quickly create web apps It is highly relevant and in demand in the modern economy. The Rails framework has been used by businesses, to build their products. Building with Rails is a great opportunity to practice the other abilities you’ve already mastered, such as using object-oriented programming and creating static websites with HTML and CSS.

This course will help you to explore more about the Ruby on Rails. In this course you will learn what is Ruby on Rails, Architecture of Ruby on Rails, IDE used for the Ruby on Rails and what is Active record migration, how to install and setup the Ruby on Rails in Windows 10 along with you will learn how install and Set up the MySQL and how to connect MySQL database with Ruby on Rails application, and what does migration dose in rails application, how to perform the CRUD operation in Ruby on Rails and how to create the API in Ruby on Rail and implementation of Ajax functionality in rails application, along with this you will learn how to build the login web application in Ruby on Rails. In this course you will learn the about Ruby on Rails, how to download and set up the Ruby on rails.

Further you will learn how to Configure MySQL connection using MySQL2 gem. Then you will understand the CRUD operation in Ruby on Rails Additionally you will learn the working of Ruby on Rails with Ajax. Along with this you will learn the creating the basic API in Ruby on Rails. And you will learn the how to build the login page in Ruby on Rails.

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