Umrah Consultancy


Umrah Consultancy , Event Management (Umrah Travel).

The Audience of the course is:

1- Fresh Graduates considering entering into travel industry

2- Working Professionals looking for part time assignments

3- Umrah/ Hajj Pilgrims who value learning and understanding events

This course explains operational elements of an Umrah Trip Arrangements, Cost Contributors, Confusions and Compromises and the final learning from the trip.

This helps you understand different elements of the Umrah Operations, the costing and budgeting and how to improve life. This also discusses the elements that must be arranged through the travel agent and the elements that a pilgrim himself may arrange well. This also provides different types of the problems, the reasons and how to respond to them.

This also provides knowledge about the factors effecting the pricing of the Umrah Package and how these have a different pricing at different places. The discussion of confusions and compromises helps the pilgrims better understand the Realtime issues and in response to this they should always observe Sabar and extend Shukur to Allah Almighty.

This is advised to listen to this course on repeat so whole of the main knowledge is kept safe. This also carries a practical example to solve and prepare good Umrah Packages and this is advised to practice calculation for different requirements so that it becomes easy to calculate the package easily and correctly.

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