Ultimate Guide to Product Design: Design Gripper for Robotic


Ultimate Guide to Product Design: Design Gripper for Robotic, Catia V5 training: Learn to create your own product with catia v5.

Product Design is the solving of a design problem from the assignment to the final product design. Many design methods may lead to a product design but also the design process which include embodiment design. The most time absorbing part of the design process is, in general, embodiment design: going from idea to realisation.

In this course we will passed by the basic stages for design the product, and follow it with tutorial of design for Gripper for Robotic Arm step by step.

To follow this course, you don’t have to be an engineer nor even greatly proficient in the mechanical field. All you really need is to have basic knowledge of designing on CATIA V5 and be fond of mechanical designs.

I chose catia for my designs because it is, as you no doubt know, one of the most used 3D programs by great companies like: Boeing, Bombardier Aéronautique, Michelin, Renault, LG, Thales, nokia and so many others.

I wanted to create a series of courses entitled: IMD, first to fulfill a dream I’ve always had about designing mechanical machines and second, and no less important, I wanted to share with you my know-how, and the experiences I’ve gained along quite a few years.

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