GraphQL Server Essentials: Build a GraphQL API for Spotify


GraphQL Server Essentials: Build a GraphQL API for Spotify , Learn a technology which powers critical services at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Coursera, Airbnb, Github and Shopify.

What you”ll learn:

  • Setup a GraphQL project with Apollo Server and Express
  • Define GraphQL Schema with required types
  • Create Queries, Mutations and Resolvers to fetch and manipulate data
  • Implement Authentication and Authorization for GraphQL APIs


Learn GraphQL fundamentals and understand the tools required to build a fully-functional GraphQL API for Spotify

Build a strong grasp of a new and powerful technology used by top tech companies

  • Server setup
  • Type, Query, Mutation, Resolvers
  • Union, Context, Directive, Custom Scalars

Add an in-demand skill to your repertoire

GraphQL is a promising and powerful new technology which can unlock plethora of exciting opportunities for you. With more companies adopting GraphQL for their APIs, the demand for this skill is only going to increase in the future.

Content and Overview

Suitable for beginner to intermediate developers, through this course of around 1 hour of content, you’ll learn the fundamentals as well as some advanced tools required to use GraphQL effectively. You’ll get to learn each concept on a hands-on way.

You’ll start with a brief intro to GraphQL and the advantages over REST, then proceed to server setup. By creating types, query, mutations and resolvers, you’ll acquire a strong understanding of the fundamentals.

After mastering these, the course will take you through other GraphQL topics which you will often need to use for large scale real-world projects. You’ll learn about unions, context, directives, custom scalars etc.

You can also download the source code for the course and work alongside the author and make changes to your heart’s content.

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