Data Types In Python 3 Course


Data Types In Python 3 Course, An introduction of Python programming language. Python data types including Navigate Datatypes.


Welcome to my data types in python 3 course. This course is for absolute beginner & in this course you will enrich you knowledge about basics level of python. Python is used in Data Mining, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, Web Development, Web Frameworks, Embedded Systems, Graphic Design applications, Gaming, Network development, Product development, Rapid Application Development, Testing, Automation Scripting, the list goes on.

Python is one of the most loved programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. Many of the web and mobile applications we enjoy today because of Python’s abundant libraries, various frameworks, vast modules, and file extensions. Moreover, Python is great for building micro-project to macro enterprise web services and supporting other types of programming languages.

Python is used as an easier and more efficiently-written alternative to languages that perform similar functionalities like C, R, and Java. Therefore Python is growing in popularity as the primary language for many applications. Python – and programming in general – is in such high demand because it is useful in just about every industry. Python is used by companies in recruiting, healthcare, financial services, marketing, education and many more.

For example, ‘Growth Marketers’ are now basing their marketing decisions on the analysis done in Python. Businesses are turning away from Excel spreadsheets and towards Python-driven analysis. This course cover about how to install python in your operating system. Then you will learn about Your First Python Program. You will also learn about Navigate Datatypes.

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