CompTIA A+ (220-1102) Practice Exams | Updated 2023, 06 Mock Exams with my own explanation on every questions | Total 700+Q | Latest Updated Feb 2023.
This is prepared from the beginning based on my own experience of passing Comptia A+ certification (both Core1 & Core2).
These mock exams give the exactly the same format and timeline as the real exam, help you to be familiar with the real test , increase the chance to pass from the 1st try.
During taking my course, the explanations are also provided in detail for each question, which help you to understand what/why and how. Any related concerns, please message me for more information.
This practice test simulates the actual CompTIA A+ CORE 2 (220-1002) exam which contains 90 multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions, to be completed within 90 minutes, and with a passing score of 70%. At the end of the exam, click the Review questions button to view the explanations, diagrams and references to Azure official documentation.
Now, let’s begin with our journey, by understand what is CompTIA A+?
CompTIA A+ Certification Exam: Core 2 Objectives
EXAM NUMBER: CORE 2 (220-1002)
In order to receive the CompTIA A+ certification, you must pass two exams: Core 1 (220- 1001) and Core 2 (220-1002).
CompTIA A+ Core 2 measures the necessary skills for an entry level IT professional. Successful candidates will have the knowledge required to:
• Assemble components based on customer requirements
• Install, configure, and maintain PCs, mobile devices, and software for end users
• Understand the basics of networking and security forensics
• Properly and safely diagnose, resolve, and document common hardware and software issues
• Apply troubleshooting skills
• Provide appropriate customer support
• Understand the basics of scripting, virtualization, desktop imaging, and deployment
These content examples are meant to clarify the test objectives and should not be construed as a comprehensive listing of all the content of this examination.
CompTIA A+ is accredited by ANSI to show compliance with the ISO 17024 Standard and, as such, undergoes regular reviews and updates to the exam objectives.
CompTIA exams result from subject matter expert workshops and industry-wide survey results regarding the skills and knowledge required of an entry-level IT professional.
Required exam Core 2
Number of questions Maximum of 90
Types of questions Multiple choice and performance-based
Length of test 90 minutes
Recommended experience 12 months of experience as an IT support specialist
Passing score 700 (on a scale of 100–900)
The table below lists the domains measured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented:
1.0 Operating Systems (31%)
2.0 Security (25%)
3.0 Software Troubleshooting (22%)
4.0 Operational Procedures (22%)