Bayesian Statistics – Bayesian Model for Healthcare Testing


Bayesian Statistics – Bayesian Model for Healthcare Testing , Learn to solve statistical problems using Bayesian Statistics and MS Excel.

What you”ll learn:

  • Get hands-on exposure to Bayesian Statistics
  • Learn to solve case studies in Excel for any statistical model
  • Entire concepts of Bayesian Statistics
  • Hands-on experience of solving statistical problems


Bayesian statistics is a particular approach to applying probability to statistical problems. It provides us with mathematical tools to update our beliefs about random events in light of seeing new data or evidence about those events. Bayesian statistics is an approach to data analysis based on Bayes’ theorem, where available knowledge about parameters in a statistical model is updated with the information in observed data. The background knowledge is expressed as a prior distribution and combined with observational data in the form of a likelihood function to determine the posterior distribution. The posterior can also be used for making predictions about future events. In particular Bayesian inference interprets probability as a measure of believability or confidence that an individual may possess about the occurance of a particular event.

Machine learning is a scientific discipline that explores the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data. Such algorithms operate by building a model from example inputs and using that to make predictions or decisions, rather than following strictly static program instructions. Machine learning is closely related to and often overlaps with computational statistics; a discipline that also specializes in prediction-making.

Through this training we are going to apply Bayesian methods to A/B testing and also use adaptive algorithms to improve A/B testing performance.

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