Ancient Egyptian Mythology 101, Learn about the Gods and Goddesses and more!.
Course Description
Learn about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses in this Ancient Egypt Mythology 101 and more course!
Also included are coloring pages and a PDF eBook!
Learn about the Gods Nun, Ra, Amun-Ra, Aten, Anubis, Osiris, Bes, Shu, Sobek, Khnum, Geb, and more!
Learn about the Goddesses Neith, Nephthys, Isis, Sekhmet, Maat, Bastet, Taweret, Tefnut, Nut, Seshat, Serqet, and more!
You will also learn about Ancient Egypt culture: bathing, jewelry, makeup, entertainment, foods, and more.
Some of the most famous pharaohs: Cleopatra, Akhenaten, King Tut, and more!
The pyramids: how big were they? Where were they built? The Step Pyramid, The Great Pyramid, The Sphinx, The Valley of the Kings and more!
The symbols: The Ankh, Djed, Lotus, Scarab beetle, Wadjet Eye, Ka, Seba, and more.
The hieroglyphs: including how to write your name!
This is a must have course for anyone who loves Ancient Egypt!
Who was the very first God of Ancient Egypt? The first Goddess?
Have you heard of the Apis Bull? What was its role in Egyptian Mythology?
Which God killed his brother and scattered his body parts around the Nile River?
Which Goddess was the Goddess of the home, childbirth, and women?
Did you know that cats were mummified in Ancient Egypt? Crocodiles too!
Which God could scare off Demons?
Which Goddess knew about the locations and movements of all the stars and planets?
Rameses The Great, asked which Goddess to help him build his temples?
Was Amun-Ra, Ra, and Atum the same?
*Recently updated 2025 *
New lecture on Goddess Wadjet and Goddess Nekhbet. The “Two ladies.”
All this information and much more is included in this course.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who likes mythology and Ancient Egypt.