100% OFF-Understand and lower your anxiety, fear and stress.
Understand and lower your anxiety, fear and stress., Become more aware of the dynamics of anxiety with this CBT based anxiety model and some real life stories.
Course Description
This course takes the complex topics of anxiety, stress, and worry and makes them simple.
Joel has experienced debilitating anxiety, overcome it, and is now an in-demand communicator and therapist. He will guide you through his ocean rip metaphor to help you understand anxiety so you can then make your mind your friend!
The course explains the basics of anxiety, a variety of aspects of anxiety, and then a matching set of solutions that you will learn how to adapt and apply to your own life.
This course is anchored in lived experience and peppered with stories to help it be a memorable, effective and enjoyable course. The style is friendly and informative, but with the depth to be useful and transformative.
Learn about:
- The ‘rip’ of lies, echos, and misinterpretations.
- Mindfulness
- Refocusing
- The power of truth
- The escape route of “my feelings are lying to me” and “the truth is”.
- The undertow of family mottos and subconscious stress and worry
- Identity and Boundaries
At the end of this course, you will have a greater understanding of your own (and others!) anxiety and will have more control over this emotion in your day-to-day life. If you don’t – get your money back!
- Introduction
- Overview
- The model
- Conclusion
Come along and give it a go. You don’t have to live with debilitating anxiety. There are little things you can do that add up to long-term habits that reduce anxiety and let you live in more peace with a greater sense of control over your feelings and life.
Who this course is for:
- anyone experiencing a level of anxiety that is bothering them
- any person wanting to increase their professional knowledge of anxiety