Ash Handling System In Thermal Power Plant, Ash Handling Plant n Thermal Power Racheti.
Course Description
Hello every one. This course namely, ASH HANDLING SYSTEM is basically designed on Practical experience and aspects. This course will be definitely useful for the Post Graduate / Trainee Engineers / Graduates and undergraduates. The contents in this course are :
1. Introduction to Ash handling plant
2. Bottom Ash handling system
3. Fly ash handling system using ESP
4. Fly ash handling system using Bag Filters
5. Fly ash handling system using Silos
With the above contents the learner will be able to understand the need of Ash handling system its methods to evacuate Ash in thermal power plant and benefits of Ash in various applications.
In thermal power plant coal is generally is used as a fuel hence the ash is a by-product of combustion. Ash generated in the power plant is 30-40% of total coal consumption hence the system is required to handle for its proper utilization and disposal. Therefore according to type of ash its evacuation system also differs. When the coal is fired in the furnace, in presence of sufficient amount of Oxygen the complete combustion of coal takes place. As we know that coal contains :
Carbon, Volatile Matter i.e. ethane, methane, hydrogen, oxygen, water vapour etc., Ash and Moisture.
So, after the combustion of coal all the other products in the coal mentioned above are burned and releases the chemical energy along with flue gases, except the ash which remains as a residue after combustion. The ash and flue gases are thus formed as a product of combustion. In our Indian coal approximately 30-40% ash is present..
Therefore, very huge amount of ash is generated after the process of combustion. Out of this whole ash contents :-
85% – Fly ash (in the form of fine Suspended Particle Matter)
15% – Bottom ash
Objectives of the course:
•To study Ash Handling Plant and its need.
•To study various types of ash in Coal
•To know about the method of Bottom ash evacuation
•To get idea about the Wet fly ash evacuation process.
•Also to get acquainted with the process of Dry Fly ash evacuation process.
•To get the method of evacuation using Silos.
•To study the benefits of ash evacuation system
Outcomes of the course:
After finishing the course, Learner will be able to
•Understand the importance of ash handling plant in thermal power plant.
•Get idea about the various types of ash.
•Know about methods of ash evacuation system.
•Know the working principles of ESP and Bag filters.
•Understand about the effective working of Silos in the power plant.
•Get idea about the applications of Ash in various fields.
•Understand the effect of ash on environment and to take care of.
So, dear all please go through entire course, revise it and finally say nice and with excellent rating as given to other courses. Finally saying bye with all the best wishes to your studies / exams and have a wonderful day.
Who this course is for:
- Post Graduates / Graduates / Under graduates / Trainee Engineers